Comments on: How can I keep birds from hitting my windows? Your online guide to birds and birdwatching Wed, 09 Aug 2023 22:52:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: rdub76 Sun, 06 Mar 2016 16:44:00 +0000 The main focus of this article seems to be about birds hitting a window because they don’t realize it is there. My situation is a little different. I have what i believe to be a female Northern Cardinal who seems to stay around my house all the time. Every morning at around 6:30 she lights in a shrub growing outside my kitchen and repeatedly flies into the window. She does this for about 10 minutes, maybe 15-20 times. At first I thought she may have made a nest nearby and was attempting to frighten away predators (me or my dogs). I looked around but I never found one. She does it several times throughout the day each time for about 10 minutes and then stops for a few hours. I know it is the same bird and she lights in the same bush and hits the same window pane over and over. This has been going on for 7 months now as best I can remember. Does anyone have any idea why this bird would do this especially for this long of a period of time?
